
Angry man smashes the phone

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New jokes

Q: What starts with E, ends with E, and has only 1 letter in it? A: Envelope.

Microwave oven
Yo momma is so stupid when an intruder broke into her house, she ran downstairs, dialed 9-1-1 on the microwave, and couldn't find the "CALL" button.

Woman in the mirror
A woman looks in the mirror and says I look fat and then asks her husband to give her a compliment he says ok you have perfect eye sight.

Q: Is Google male or female? A: Female, because it doesn't let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion.

Ghosts as liars
Q: Why are ghosts bad liars? A: You can see right through them.

A little kid was out trick-or-treating on Halloween dressed as a pirate. He rang a house's doorbell and the door was opened by a lady. "Oh, how cute! A little pirate! And where are your buccaneers?" she asked. The boy replied, "Under my buckin' hat."

Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? Of course, a house doesn’t jump at all.

Ghosts as cheerleaders
Q: Why are ghosts such good cheerleaders? A: Because they have a lot of spirit!