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New jokes

Q: Why did the witches' team lose the baseball game? A: Their bats flew away.

Bug in soup
A boy asks his father, "Dad, are bugs good to eat?" "That's disgusting. Don't talk about things like that over dinner," the dad replies. After dinner the father asks, "Now, son, what did you want to ask me?" "Oh, nothing," the boy says. "There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone."

Mexican sport
What is a Mexican's favorite sport? Cross-country.

Ghosts as liars
Q: Why are ghosts bad liars? A: You can see right through them.

Pregnant woman
A 3 years old boy sits near a pregnant woman. Boy: Why do you look so fat? Pregnant woman: I have a baby inside me. Boy: Is it a good baby? Pregnant woman: Yes, it is a very good baby. Boy: Then why did you eat it?!

Q: Can February march? A: No, but April may.

"Mom, where do tampons go?" "Where the babies come from, darling." "In the stork?"

Snowman snowwoman
What is the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman? Snowballs.