
Sad man

#man #frustrated #crying #depressed #sad #green #people #emotion #color

New jokes

Q: Can February march? A: No, but April may.

Naughty girls
Why is Santa Claus so jolly? Because he knows where all the naughty girls live.

Why isn't the turkey hungry at Thanksgiving? Because he's already stuffed!

Mummy´s music
Q: What is a mummy's favorite type of music? A: Wrap!

Q: Why did the skeleton cross the road? A: To get to the body shop.

Snowman and vampire
What do get if you cross a Snowman with a Vampire? Frostbite.

Harry Potter
Q: How does Albus get into Hogwarts? A: Through the Dumble-door.

Woman in the mirror
A woman looks in the mirror and says I look fat and then asks her husband to give her a compliment he says ok you have perfect eye sight.